Vexil, custom your lockscreen without respring

Hi everyone, I’m presenting you an upcoming tweak named Vexil.


This tweak is being developed by the russian dev Smartvipere75 (@Smartvipere75). Everyone knows what Winterboard is. You can custom your iDevice with beautiful themes, but sometimes they aren’t compatible with your iDevice and you have to respring to apply the changes.

Here is Vexil useful. This tweak lets you custom your lockscreen as you want with colors you want, right in the settings without any respring and without Winterboard. It’s really useful when the tweaks don’t need any respring so you can test quickliy what you want.

Here are some screenshots :




For the compatibility and the price and the compatibility, it will be paid, but the price isn’t fixed for the moment. For the compatibility, it will work on all iDevices.

Remember, this tweak doesn’t require Winterboard to work.

So we are waiting for this awesome tweak.

Tweak concept : Safari Multi Pages

So I have got some tweaks ideas, but I don’t have any knowledge in Objective-c, so I hope a Cydia developer will see this and develop it 🙂 .

So what is the concept? When you use a web browser, you can open some tabs. It’s cool, but when you search separate things, on the computer you can open 2 or more pages with some tabs in each of them. I wish you can do this with Safari, so I had this tweak idea. I named it Safari Multi Pages.

Here is a screenshot of how it can look like :



If someone wants to develop this, just send me a tweet (@DevSk0re) to say or send me an email ( so I just know 🙂 .

iOs 6 jailbreak untethered

And here it is. The iOs 6 jailbreak untethered will be released in some days. The news team evad3rs (@evad3rs), with pod2g, MuscleNerd, Planetbeing and Pimskek worked on the jailbreak an they’ll release a tool to jailbreak a lot of iDevice soon.

If you update to iOs 6.1, you should do it with iTunes and not with OTA (Over The Air), it’s because of the SHSH.

We have to wait a bit until it’s released 🙂 .

Planetbeing made a lot of progress

Planetbeing posted a tweet on his account today that says he has made a lot of progress these last days. We know that the jailbreak is ina good way and we mustn’t wait too long to have this when iOs 6.1 will be released.

He said that the future of the jailbreak is looking bright. What does that mean? That he has some good vulnerabilities that he doesn’t use in this jailbreak? That he has almost the public jailbreak? We must wait and we will see what will happen.

You can follow @Planetbeing on Twitter for all the news 🙂 .


Pod2g thinks he has good news for Planetbeing

Pod2g posted today on his Twitter account a message for Planetbeing. He said that he thinks he has some good news for him.


What should we think about it? That can only be a good news, maybe a new vulnerability, a part (or full) of the initial execution code or anything other that can be good for the jailbreak. We just need to wait, the public version of iOs 6.1 mustn’t come very late 🙂 .

Planetbeing is working with pod2g on the iOs 6 jailbreak

We know that Planetbeing is working on the iOs 6 untethered jailbreak and he has it, but they are still looking for some others vulnerabilities to make it work fine.

Planetbeing said on his Twitter account today that he worked with pod2g and that they found 2 new vulnerabilities, but they still need the initial code execution to make it public.

We hope that they will find it soon. You can follow them on Twitter to have more informations @planetbeing @pod2g.



Flex, an upcoming tweak

Flex is a tweak which allows you to do your own tweaks. It’s not availible on Cydia for the moment, but it will be soon.

What can you do with flex? You can create your own tweaks “without knowing anything about Objective-c”. This idea is from John Coates, who made MissionBoard pro, and it will allow you to make and share your runtime patches, not just on iOs but also on any apps you have installed.

The developer thinks that it can be for developer and for others users :

You basically search for a keyword that’s related to what you want to change.

Say you want to increase the amount of tabs Safari can have. So you make a new patch, and search for “maximum”. You’ll find two results, one which says “maxiumumTabDocumentCount” You click it, change the return value to 30 and suddenly you can have 30 Safari tabs.

What do you think about this idea?

Original Reddit post :

For the past few weeks I’ve been working on a rather large project. It’s a new jailbreak app called Flex. What it does it let you create small tweaks, share what you create, and download others’ shared tweaks. I expect to release it pretty soon, just need to have it go through a beta phase.

To give you a better idea here’s a screenshot of the patches view. Each of those patches consists of one or more “units”. A unit looks like this, and it’s what does the work.

You can instantly download patches from within the app, and activate them straight away.

Patches are very easy to make, and give you quite a lot of power. You can make them for any application you have installed, even SpringBoard. They don’t contain any real code, the tweak portion of Flex is actually what does all the heavy lifting… so basically these patches can’t be installed outside of Flex.

You can also follow my twitter @punksomething for updates

I got a great response about the beta testing, and I no longer need any more beta testers. Watch for Flex’s release soon, and if you want to get e-mailed about it you can subscribe to TweakTuesday

Source :

Planetbeing continues working on the iOs 6 jailbreak

Planetbeing said on his Twitter account that he continues working on the iOs 6 jailbreak. He fixes some bugs and he also said (few days ago) that he has to find two others vulnerabilities before haveing an iOs 6 untethered jailbreak.

We just have to wait and we’ll see 🙂 .


Planetbeing has the untethered jailbreak!

And what for a good news! The hacker Planetbeing said he has his iPhone 5 running on iOs 6.0.2 with an untethered jailbreak. He said that MobileSubstrate is perfectly working on it, which is a good thing because it’s for the stability of the jailbreak.

He explained that this jailbreak wouldn’t be public right now, because if they do so, Apple would break the vulnerabilities. He also said that some vulnerabilities could be broken in iOs 6.1, but he used 4 vulnerabilities and has two more vulnerabilities.

We just have to wait until the iOs 6.1 is released for everybody and that they make the jailbreak work.

Pod2g : “The jailbreak is being developed”

Pod2g tweeted something few hours ago to say that the jailbreak is being developed, but in “underground”. He said that he saw some bad comments about his hashtag (#WeWantAnOpeniOs) because some people though that the hackers couldn’t jailbreak the iOs 6 and that they wanted pitty from Apple.

He said that all these things weren’t true and that the jailbreak is being developed, but in underground and it’s not ready for a public release. He also said he wasn’t speaking as a jailbreaker, because he isn’t involved in iOs 6 jailbreak, but we can understand that the jailbreak isn’t finished and that he doesn’t want pitty for him from Apple because he isn’t working on iOs 6 jailbreak.

And his last word is “It is not the end„. It means the jailbreak is in a good way, so wait and the jailbreak will come. The iOs 5 was already hard to jailbreak, remember last year, so this year it’s normal to wait this long.



